
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Do I know you?

If you've ever felt like giving up, you know me. If you have a chronic illness or are struggling to find a diagnosis, you know me. If you desperately want to be healthy but aren't sure where to begin, you know me. I'm you. I've been there.

I'm Jenn, and I'm an awkward girl in pursuit of a healthy life. This can be tricky at times since I have two chronic illnesses that throw a host of interesting symptoms at me every day.

By day, I work in the legal field and academia, but at home I'm constantly experimenting with new healthy recipes and exercising. I follow a modified Paleo diet, which means I occasionally eat grains and beans, and I like yogurt and the odd sprinkle of cheese on my eggs. I'm fairly type-A, but my journey to health is not about following any diet or exercise plan 100% perfect--it's about finding what works best for me and what makes me feel the best.

Because of my illnesses, I treat exercise as part of my job. I work it into my schedule at least 4 days a week, and usually 6 or 7 days a week, depending on how I feel.

Am I a medical professional? No. I can't give you medical advice, but I can tell you what it is like to live with these illnesses and strive to be as healthy as possible under my particular circumstances. And you know what? If I can do it, you can too. I truly believe that. A little over three years ago, I was all but bed-ridden. Today, and I mean this very afternoon, I jogged 3.5 miles. It's been a long road (pun fully intended), and I know it will continue to be tough at times, but it's worth it.

Join me for exercise, healthy recipes, and perspectives on life!

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